Księgowość na miarę Twojej firmy

Chcesz skupić się na rozwoju swojej firmy, a nie księgowości?

Doświadczenie w księgowości jednoosobowych działalności.

Zdalne usługi księgowe dostosowane do Twoich potrzeb.

Wsparcie przy zakładaniu firmy i w kontakcie z US.

woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall
A smartphone displaying a Shopify webpage with the text 'Start your business' rests on a white surface. Next to it lies a closed notebook with geometric shapes on its cover and a sharpened pencil. A small succulent plant is visible in the top left corner.
A smartphone displaying a Shopify webpage with the text 'Start your business' rests on a white surface. Next to it lies a closed notebook with geometric shapes on its cover and a sharpened pencil. A small succulent plant is visible in the top left corner.
person using MacBook
person using MacBook

Profesjonalna księgowość dla Ciebie

Jestem doświadczoną księgową, która oferuje zdalne usługi księgowe dla jednoosobowych działalności gospodarczych. Zaufaj mi i skup się na rozwoju swojego biznesu.

black ceramic mug beside white printer paper
black ceramic mug beside white printer paper



Zaufanie klientów

Wysoka jakość

Usługi Księgowe Online

Profesjonalne rozliczenia dla jednoosobowych działalności gospodarczych. Zdalne usługi księgowe z doświadczeniem.

A close-up view of a financial document with printed figures and text, accompanied by a black pen resting on the paper. To the left, a digital calculator displays a number, suggesting it is used for calculations related to the document.
A close-up view of a financial document with printed figures and text, accompanied by a black pen resting on the paper. To the left, a digital calculator displays a number, suggesting it is used for calculations related to the document.
Księgowość uproszczona

Oferuję kompleksowe usługi księgowe dla małych przedsiębiorstw i freelancerów.

Rozliczenia Podatkowe

Pomagam w przygotowaniu i składaniu deklaracji podatkowych oraz rozliczeń rocznych.

Wsparcie dla firmy

Zapewniam wsparcie przy zakładaniu firmy i w kontakcie z US.

Księgowość na najwyższym poziomie! Zdalne usługi są wygodne, a doświadczenie Pani Księgowej sprawia, że czuję się pewnie w moich rozliczeniach.

Anna Kowalska

A tax form labeled Form 1120 sits on a wooden table. A black pen rests on the form, and a gray zippered pouch is partially visible beside it.
A tax form labeled Form 1120 sits on a wooden table. A black pen rests on the form, and a gray zippered pouch is partially visible beside it.


Galeria usług

Zobacz nasze zdalne usługi księgowe dla jednoosobowych działalności.

A dimly lit street scene at night features a brick building with a neon sign displaying the words 'INCOME TAX' in red and 'NOTARY PUBLIC' in green. A streetlight illuminates the space immediately around it, creating a contrast with the dark surroundings.
A dimly lit street scene at night features a brick building with a neon sign displaying the words 'INCOME TAX' in red and 'NOTARY PUBLIC' in green. A streetlight illuminates the space immediately around it, creating a contrast with the dark surroundings.
A large brick wall with the word 'BUSINESS' prominently displayed in black letters. The wall is lit by natural daylight, casting gentle shadows along its surface. The ground at the base of the wall has some patches of grass and is bordered by a concrete sidewalk. There are three metal fixtures attached to the lower part of the wall.
A large brick wall with the word 'BUSINESS' prominently displayed in black letters. The wall is lit by natural daylight, casting gentle shadows along its surface. The ground at the base of the wall has some patches of grass and is bordered by a concrete sidewalk. There are three metal fixtures attached to the lower part of the wall.
A smartphone lying on a yellow surface displays the word 'Business' in bold black text on its screen.
A smartphone lying on a yellow surface displays the word 'Business' in bold black text on its screen.
A woman stands behind a counter with a vintage cash register, smiling while operating it. The counter holds a small potted plant and some small bottles. Shelves on the background wall display jars with various colors. A chalkboard on the right side shows some writing. A signboard above reads 'SALT'S UP SOOLAPOOD'.
A woman stands behind a counter with a vintage cash register, smiling while operating it. The counter holds a small potted plant and some small bottles. Shelves on the background wall display jars with various colors. A chalkboard on the right side shows some writing. A signboard above reads 'SALT'S UP SOOLAPOOD'.